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Good By Diabetes


Knowing a problem is the first step to its solution.
Most of the suffering due to sickness could be avoided if we know the basics of health, exercise and nutrition. This book tries to understand the problem of diabetes in a very clear-cut terms and suggests a programme for effectively managing it, thus preventing serious complications, and disabilities (like amputation, blindness, kidney failure and heart disease) that come in the wake of poorly managed diabetes.

Although I have tried to understand, explain and show how to manage diabetes in purely scientific terms of modern medicine, the management strategies are those developed at the Integrated Medical Centre, New Delhi run by me. I have developed these strategies after studying dozens of old systems of traditional medicine (now known as alternative medicine). This is a holistic program involving dietary and lifestyle changes, including yoga and acupressure. Interestingly, this is part of the larger medical regime of building health and managing disease that stabilises blood sugar and improves general health parameters dramatically. It is not in isolation with modern diagnostic and therapeutic practices, but a part of the package.

The Integrated Medicine approach brings quick and durable results because it is not quackery or Diabetes mystical mumbo jumbo. It works because it makes use of advantage of the vast body of ever growing research on carbohydrate metabolism, the latest in nutrition and exercise physiology, the most advanced pharmacology, plus the old wisdom of different cultures.

The purpose of writing the book Goodbye Diabetes is to show that, even with diabetes, you can lead a normal life without complications if you are well-informed and truly understand the disease. Diabetes is a complex condition that can be challenging to manage. In this book, I have made every effort to address all aspects of the disease while leaving room for future scholars and scientists to build upon in Chapter 16. My hope is that doctors and researchers worldwide will recognize this book as a valuable guide to help them provide better care for their patients.

Read this book, and by the time you finish it, you would be half way to recovery and stabilization. That means a healthy, active life would be just the next step. Best of luck. Enjoy a long, healthy life.

August 31, 2001
Dr. Mohammad Mohsin Ali

Decoding Blood: Understanding Blood Through Observation

The color and condition of blood provide significant insights into a person’s health. Blood analysis in a laboratory reveals detailed information and the truth about its state. It’s important to have foundational knowledge about blood and its characteristics. For example, the presence of toxins in the blood can often be inferred from its color. When hemoglobin levels are low, blood takes on a clear, water-like appearance, signaling an issue.

Blood flow behavior also indicates health conditions. For instance, when blood sugar levels are high, the blood moves sluggishly in sugar strips. In cases of high blood pressure, the blood sugar test may show quick movement on the sugar strips This can help identify elevated blood pressure. Conversely, if blood flows very slowly in the strips, it suggests that the blood has become heavier, likely due to increased sugar levels.

During mid-day therapy or blood collection, carefully observe the extracted blood. Pay attention to its water content or any impurities that might indicate toxins. When blood is drawn from the feet, for example, the characteristics of the blood, such as its density and clarity, can reveal what is happening internally. Clean blood differs significantly from impure or diseased blood.

When kidney function fails, the blood can become thick and sticky, resembling mucus. In such cases, I’ve observed that it doesn’t coat glucose testing strips properly. Similarly, when blood pressure is high, the blood tends to flow out of the pricked area much more quickly.

In cases of severe illnesses, such as blood cancer, the blood can turn completely black. This condition isn’t permanent, but it signals the presence of significant issues. By observing the color, consistency, and flow of blood, we can gain a basic understanding of its condition. While laboratory tests provide definitive results, having this foundational knowledge can help identify potential problems early.

These signs are important and should be closely observed

Healthy, fresh blood is vital. If impurities are present, detoxification becomes a priority. That’s why understanding these signals is so essential.

My dear brother’s and sisters,

Today the topic we are going to talk about is related to diabetes. Because across the world diabetes is becoming an epidemic and lots of destruction is to follow as a result of it. And in order to fix it, the patient has to himself understand what is wrong with him. Therefore knowledge of it is very important. The ones who are ignorant of the disease are the ones who suffer the most. Therefore the ones who are diabetic must fully understand and possess full knowledge about the disease. I am an alternative medicine doctor, and would like to offer some tips on it as to what must be done.

See, 2000 years ago, in Egypt it was known as the disease of the lazy. Ailments of the lazy people. The people who eat, sleep and do nothing else, they are the ones who suffer the most from it. This however does not apply to Type 1 diabetes. They don’t secrete insulin at all. That is a different subject. But in general type 2 diabetes happens to people who have a sedentary lifestyle, eat much, sleep much, are lazy, their body stores fat, cellulite, and they are ones who become diabetic.

First and the foremost is to tighten the metabolism system. Like labourers. They have a very tight metabolic system. It is a result that they often don’t suffer from Type 2 diabetes. This is due to their hard work, exercise, and proper rest and sleep, smaller meals keeps their metabolism tight. If the metabolic system is tight, the pancreas will very well secrete insulin. If the metabolism has loosened or become weak, the pancreas will not secrete insulin. Just as you wring a towel to its maximum capacity to drain it, then the last drop of water comes out.

Almost as though the towel has dried. Similarly you have to keep the body’s metabolism system tight. But once you have diabetes you have to keep a close watch and not over-work the metabolism system while trying to fix it and not end up damaging it. In general, stress and sedentary is the root cause of Type 2 diabetes. We have to focus on both things, and watch out as to when stress levels are increasing and how to protect yourself from a sedentary lifestyle. Please remember these 2-3 things. The ones who have a heart problem, and have high blood pressure and diabetes, these are clear indications that the person has a sedentary lifestyle.

Therefore the person has to do lifestyle modification. First and the foremost, avoid carbohydrates, Wheat chapati, rice and bread must be avoided as much as possible. If however you are used to taking carbohydrates, just a little serving, as little as ½ chapati, 3-4 spoons of rice, no issues in that, but mostly stick to a vegetarian diet, alkaline diet, and avoid carbohydrates. This forms the basis of controlling blood sugar. Without this it is not possible to control blood sugar levels.

Next is to do 30 minutes of exercise. 8 hours of peaceful sleep. Avoid stress else 100 points of sugar increases. You will notice if you have 300, the day you are stressed it will be 400. When you check the blood sugar, try to check it from the feet by pricking it. Either the big toe or the finger next to it. One is that it improves circulation. The other is it is less painful. Pricking the fingers every day is difficult and tedious. Just as an infant is pricked in the foot when drawing blood, one must draw blood from there.

Circulation in the foot is important else food amputation happens. Hence oxygenation and circulation is important for that area. If you have recently discovered you are diabetic immediately come on a liquid diet. Have lots of soup. This will help you reverse diabetes inshaAllah. Completely stop carbohydrates that time.

It will be difficult initially but any disease that is controlled in the initial stages, it is easy to control it. As far as possible try to not start medications. Through lifestyle modifications, diet and exercise try to combat the illness rather than resorting to medications, for if you begin, it will permanently remain a part of your life. You will have to consume it all your life. Also if you suddenly take insulin you will have to slowly increase it all your life.

I know someone who began with an insulin dosage of 5 units and slowly it went upto to 60 units. This again only applies to Type 2 diabetes, not type 1, for they have to take insulin. Also for type 2, if it is not getting controlled at all, he may have to take a little insulin initially to control it.

Do not go against doctors advice especially since one doesn’t have sufficient knowledge regarding the subject and can prove risky. I am still telling you these things so that you are aware of what all happens. I am going to tell you another research of mine. When you prick your finger for blood and the blood refuses to come out onto the strip, know that you have done over-eating. Sugar has accumulated and this is the indication of it. If the blood quickly comes out and flows to the strip, know that the body has accumulated a lot of stress. These are 2 important indications. If going slowly, overeating, if going fast, there is a blood pressure problem hence its getting pushed fast. Another thing you have to be watchful about is the blood sticky?

Glue-like sticky. If so, it is going to damage the kidney immensely. In Diabetes related kidney problems patients, due to their uncontrolled diabetes, the blood becomes like a sugar syrup. And becomes sticky. Now the kidney is unable to filter the blood properly and gets damaged. In general the kidney gets damaged due to high blood pressure, since it is pushed with a lot of force and circulates throughout the body with a lot of force. And maybe because the nephrons in the kidneys are unable to deal with this pressure. High blood pressure damages the kidneys a lot. Therefore I have often requested everyone to check their blood pressure repeatedly. Monitor it routinely.

Please check my Lectures online, both English and Urdu are available, there is a video on High Blood pressure and stress. Please listen to it. If you get spiritual cure for the diseases of the spirit, inshaAllah you will also get physical cures. The idea is to remove all toxins from the body. Just remove toxins.

Whether it is toxins of medications, toxins of insulin, toxins of sugar, toxins of high-blood pressure. Just detox the body. Remove that. It is like a snake’s poison in the body. These toxins must be eliminated. You will feel very good once the toxins are removed from the body. Even lesser medications will be enough. So this is one effort you must make to remove toxins. Another thing is don’t add too much strain on yourself. A person with high blood pressure if he does so will end up having a stroke or heart-attack. Go slow. Strictly monitor blood sugar and blood pressure.

These are closely related. You will notice when you have higher blood pressure, the sugar levels are lower. And when sugar levels are high, blood pressure is lower. This is a unique relation. Do not add excessive strain on yourself. Even excessive stress through exercise etc. can result in a stroke or heart-attack. Be very careful and cautious about this. Some people end up having foot-amputations because of the accumulated sugar, and they don’t get their feet massaged so as to improve circulation.

It is my research that due to gravitational force, the blood sugar gets accumulated in the feet and is not circulated. This keeps becoming an acid, restricts the flow of oxygen there, blocks nutrition and starts becoming numb and eventually has to be amputated. Please remember this advice very well. Diabetic feet must be treated with reflexology and each finger must be massaged well.

There should be circulation there. No numbness must be there. Man does not realise this and is focused on other things, and before he does it is time for foot amputation or big toe amputation, small finger amputation. Please remember to take care of your foot. If you see that your blood sugar is high, just avoid food, but unfortunately man does the opposite. He sees it high and still eats. This is the trick and deception of Shaytan. If you see your blood pressure is 350-400, avoid food. Sugar is an acid that circulates throughout the body and stocks up and consumes insulin. It keeps receiving insulin and is happy. This sugar becomes like acid and poison for the body.

A diabetic patient must have a multidimensional focus. What often happens is, the diabetic patient is too focused on his kidney and heart, in the interim the eye gets damaged, the foot gets damaged and needs amputation. Keep a view of all things. This is a management related disease. Keep a watch on all this. Don’t just blindly rely on doctors. Sometimes it is important to identify your own problems and take measures to balance it. Doctors are also becoming such these days, if you discuss a single problem with them they add another medication.

All these are chemicals that eventually get stocked in the body slowly and gradually, like poison. Take whatever minimum is necessary, otherwise in future the body will retaliate to medications. Like I previously said, the dosage began with 5 units, and went upto 60, what is next? 100? Several home remedies are available, please follow them and balance your sugar and try to understand what is going wrong with you.

Regular massage is very important. Especially of the Neck, Head, Foot & Knee, because circulation becomes slow. Also during massage, underlying and hidden problems are uncovered. If the knee has a problem, it will later make it difficult for you to walk. At our Integrated Medical Centre we follow 5 principles to take care of your health. One is Alkaline diet. Next is exercise but there are some rules to follow in that. If blood pressure is greater than 160/90, exercise will do more damage than good. Do not damage.

And can result in heart attack and stroke. During change of weather do not exercise as lots of strokes and death’s are seen during this time. Around October/ November. In those times, get ample rest, eat, sleep and be relaxed. So, Alkaline diet, exercise, deep-tissue massage or physical therapy, this helps us know the body condition, sleep well, and time to check medical parameters – check blood for cholesterol levels, sugar levels, kidney function, lipid profile, thyroid, Vitamin D etc, get LFT, KFT, this will help you from future disasters. Keep a watch on Numbness anywhere, pressure on the eye, bleeding from anywhere. Keep a watch on these 2 things. Numbness and any pressure on the eye.

A feeling of wellbeing and wellness must be present inside. See to that. If you don’t feel too good or energetic, do not exercise. If you feel good and energetic go ahead and exercise no harm, but do not cross limits when you exercise. I have repeatedly said this. Do not exceed your capacity. Do not overburden yourself. There is a famous proverb in bengali , “Wobosta buje vaibosta.” Therefore don’t over exceed, if you do, disasters will follow. Keep it in moderation. During change of weather especially, there is a 30% increase in strokes and heart-attacks. Get proper rest and sleep during this time.

If you are on blood pressure medication, do not stop it suddenly, if you do there is a great risk of stroke and heart attack. Do not stop it suddenly.

These are a few tips and strategies I have shared on managing blood sugar. I have even written a book “Goodbye Diabetes”’, inshaAllah if you follow the advice shared, if Allah wants this advice will be beneficial to you and beneficial to the Ummah in protecting ourselves from this dangerous illness. Protect yourself from a sedentary lifestyle. Get used to working hard and striving.

There are 4 principles of life–

Self control, Sabr, Sacrifice & Hard Work. Teach these to kids from a young-age. Bad habits should not enter their system like poison from a young age.

You can log on to Darul Qulub.com website and a lot of articles are there, guidance is there, on health too, in many languages too, and the book “Learn to Swim before You Sink” is there, you can download and read from there. It is available in 4 languages. If you follow it, inshaAllah it will be of help.


Ahmed Ali
New Delhi, India